The Diagnostic Services Department is a multidisciplinary team of professionals who assess individuals for the presence of Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities (IDD). Results of the evaluation include identification of individual strengths and support needs. Considered the typical point of entry to facilitate enrollment in a variety of programs, the multidisciplinary evaluation conducted by Diagnostic Services is offered at no cost to residents in our designated catchment area. Those interested should obtain an application for an evaluation online or from the Diagnostic Services Department. Once a completed application is returned to Diagnostic Services and any supporting records are received, they are reviewed for appropriateness and an appointment for evaluation can be made.
As a result of the Diagnostic Services assessment process, applicants and families may be referred to Community Transition Services, the Home and Community-Based Services ID/DD Waiver Program, or Targeted Case Management/Community Support Program. Referrals might also be made to non-HRC programs which might include, but are not limited to, private providers of ICF/IID services, public schools, local health and human services agencies, early intervention programs, community mental health centers, and Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services.
People who reside in the Hudspeth Regional Center 22-county catchment area (or any additional areas where Hudspeth Regional Center has a community program) and have a suspected or confirmed intellectual disability may receive evaluation services at no cost to the family. An intellectual disability involves documented proof that a person’s cognitive and adaptive functioning is statistically significant and diagnosed prior to the age of 22.
Scope of Service
A Diagnostic Services social worker is the first person with whom the family has contact. The social worker obtains background information such as school, medical, and psychological records on the person and schedules evaluations when appropriate. The comprehensive evaluation includes areas such as social history, intellectual functioning, academic/vocational skills, self-help skills, community living skills, communication skills, and social skills. Following the evaluation, the interdisciplinary team meets to discuss findings based on the person’s abilities and interests identified during the evaluation process. Evaluation findings and available options and resources are discussed with the person and family. A summary report of the evaluation is mailed to the family and any service provider with whom the person and/or family would like to be referred. If a person is determined to be eligible for services, the person is referred to the appropriate service provider.